
Show Rules
MGR rules to govern and to take precedence over all others for the MGR sanctioned show
Fainting Goat Guild (FGG) rules to govern over the FGG shows
- For the MGR Show, goats must be registered by the Myotonic Goat Registry.
- The original registration certificates must be present at show check-in.
- Bring a copy of the certificate (front and back) to be kept by the show secretary.
- All goats must be permanently identified and that ID must be documented in the MGR database and printed by MGR on their certificates. Ear tags and tatoos must be legible. If microchipped, the exhibitor is responsible for providing a compatible microchip reader.
- See MGR Show Rules for the rest of the MGR Show information.
- For the FGG Fainting Goat Show, goats must be purebred Fainting Goats, but they do not have to be registered.
- Any Fainting Goat with documentation demonstrating a purebred family linage (pedigree), or registration papers from any registery acknowledging that the goat is considered purebred is eligible.
- See the Fainting Goat Guild Open Shows for more information.
- For the FGG Futurity Show, Futurity classes are only open to doelings born of Futurity nominated does. For more information, see the Fainting Goat Guild Futurity.
- Note:
Rule #1-4 do not apply to FGG Showmanship classes or fun classes.
- Entry Fees: MGR and FGG classes - $10/entry; Futurity classes - $10/entry;
Fun classes & Showmanship - no fee.
- Pen Fees: There is a $10 per pen fee that covers from Wednesday - Sunday. Fee includes bedding. Everyone must clean their own pens prior to vacating the premises.
- The MGR and FGG shows are awards, ribbons, and point shows.
- The FGG Futurity Shows are ribbons and premium shows.
- Entries must be received by June 4, 2017. Payments must be postmarked by June 5, 2017. Late entries will be accepted up to the day of the show. No late entries or late payments will be accepted for the Futurity shows. Payments are to be made to Tracy Teichert.
- Enter the FGG shows online by clicking here.
Enter the MGR Show by clicking here.
- Substitutions will be allowed prior to 8:30 AM on the day of the show. There will be no refunds for scratches.
- Shows will start at 9:00 AM on Friday and Saturday.
- All goats must be shown with collar or halter. Bucks must be secure at all times. Bring tarps to separate senior bucks from those around them.
- Show committee reserves the right to split larger classes or combine smaller classes.
- Private treaty sales will be allowed after the show.
- All goats from out of state require official individual identification, a certificate of veterinary inspection and a California entry permit within 15 days of entering California. You must bring an extra copy of the health certificate to be retained by the show committee.
- All animals must meet health regulations as specified in the Rules for Exhibition as required by the California Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services.
- All goats upon arrival may be examined by show personal before being penned. Goats showing evidence of disease, particularly foot rot, sore mouth, abscesses, fungus will not be allowed to enter the barn or show. Goats must also be free of clinical symptoms of caseous lymphadenitis. Animals showing clinical symptoms of this disease will not be allowed to enter the area of activity or associate with animals entered by other participants. To define CL: enlargement of lymph nodes, whether draining or not. Evidence of incised lymph nodes will be prima facie evidence of caseous lymphadenitis in the animal under scrutiny.
- Goats must be free of symptoms of all other contagious and infectious disease, whether or not such diseases are herein named specifically.
- The show coordinator and/or veterinarian has the final decision on whether animals satisfy all health requirements. By application for admission, each exhibitor agrees to show his/her animals by these rules. Presenting obviously unhealthy animals may, subject to the ruling of the show committee, result in the entire herd's disqualification from the show.
- Exhibitor agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Kern CountyFairgrounds, Show Management, Ancient Valley Ranch, and Triple-T Ranch from and against any liability, claim, loss or expense (including reasonable attorneys' fees) arising out of any injury or damage which is caused by, arises from or is in any way connected with participation in the event, excepting only that caused by the sole active negligence of the Show. The Show Management shall not be responsible for accidents or losses that may occur to any of the exhibitors or exhibits at the show. The exhibitor (or parent or guardian of a minor) is responsible for any injury or damage resulting from the exhibitor's participation in the show. This includes any injury to others or to the exhibitor or to the exhibitor's property.
- Youth exhibitors are to be accompanied by a responsible adult.
- The judge has the authority to:
a. Disqualify or transfer to the correct class any goat that does not meet the requirements of the division or class in which it is entered;
b. Disqualify any goat not properly cleaned or fitted;
c. Disqualify any goat that is in his/her opinion hazardous to public safety;
d. Examine the goats before entering the show ring; and/or
e. Refuse to make award to any goat that shows visible evidence of disease, deformity, or lameness.
No award will be made to exhibitors eliminated under any of the above instances.
- No goats will be allowed on show grounds that are within 10 days pre-parturition, or with vaginal discharge due to recent kidding.
- The judge shall award first, second, third place, etc. according to merit. If without merit, the judge shall make no award under any circumstances.
- Any inhumane or other inappropriate action to animals by the exhibitor may cause disqualification, forfeiture of awards, and removal of the exhibit or exhibitor from the show grounds. Animal health decisions will be made in the best interest of the animal and for the other animals at the Show. Management reserves the right to require health inspections and/or diagnostic tests to be made before, during or after animals are on the fairgrounds and to implement disease control procedures which may become necessary in emergencies. The health of animals when determined by the official veterinarian, Show Committee, or by the judge shall be final and cannot be protested. Exhibitors who refuse to allow their animals to be examined shall be disqualified. No refund will be made.
- Any item that comes up that is not specifically covered by these rules will be decided by the show committee and their decision will be final.