2015 Photo Contest Show Ring
Welcome to the Valley of the Sun Fainting Goat Photo Contest!
Results are in!!!!!!
We would like to thank all our contestants for their participation and for making this fundraiser such a great success!
We will be giving out a total of $165 in awards to our winners and raised $153 for our show!
This money will be used to sponsor 2 Best in Show Buckles.
Please enjoy the wonderful photos! They will be displayed until the end of the year.
To learn more, please see the main Photo Contest page by clicking here.
This website is copyrighted. Therefore, no photoshopping or graphic creating is allowed.
This is a money award contest and show fundraiser.
50% of the photo entry fees will go to help support the Valley of the Sun Fainting Goat Show.
The remaining 50% will be divided amongst the winners in each class as follows.
Number of Entries
per Class |
1st Place |
2nd Place |
3rd Place |
10 or more |
50% |
30% |
20% |
Less than 10 |
100% |
- |
- |
Scroll down (after photo classes) to see the $$ by the winners. |
The Judge chose to pull out a very special photo and give it a special award -
the Judge's Favorite Photo award.
Judge's Favorite Photo
"Another day in Paradise"
Spin River Meadows
Note from the Judge: She wanted to express how much she loved all the photos.
In the end, she chose those photos that made her "Oooh", "Awwww", and smile the longest.
Class 1 Cutest Doeling (Under 1 year old)
Class 2 Most Captivating Doe (Over 1 year)
"Does my butt look big?"
MacKenzie Kurtz |
"No, my first name aint baby, it's Cruella, Ms Deville if your nasty"
Ahart Acres
Class 3 Best Mom (Does with kids photos)
1st Place - $$ winner "Mama's Boy"
Pippa and son Aries
Ahart Acres |
2nd Place - $$ winner
"Chillin' With Mom"
Syncope Falls Farm |
3rd Place - $$ winner
"I Just Love Being a Mom"
Spin River Meadows |
4th Place
"The Sweet Little Girl and then there's the Boy"
Bucking Adoeable Fainters |
5th Place
"Mom, they were first last time!"
Spin River Meadows
"...And they're not even mine!!!!"
Courtney Teichert
"Yes, I love you most, but don't tell your sisters."
Spin River Meadows |
"Sleepin' in the Sunshine"
Spin River Meadows
"Sassy & Babies Family Portrait"
Spin River Meadows
""Being a Mom is Exhausting"
Bucking Adoeable Fainters |
Class 4 Stud Muffin Buckling (Under 1 year old)
Class 5 Hottest Buck (Over 1 year old)
"Do You Think this is my Best Side?"
Spin River Meadows |
"I know! I know! I'm handsome!"
MacKenzie Kurtz |
"My Best Dog Immitation Should Impress those Girls"
Spin River Meadows |
Class 6 Wethers at Their Best (Any age wether doing whatever they do best)
Note from the Judge: This was the hardest class to judge because they were all terrific.
In the end, she chose those photos that represented what wethers do best - eat, get into things, travel to activities, and sleep!
1st Place - $$ winner "Delicious!"
Shakey Acres Peyton
Yama Goats |
2nd Place - $$ winner
"Will you be my Valentine?"
Crosswinds Ranch |
3rd Place - $$ winner
"We will eventually figure out how to get down..."
Vader & Beau
Brittany Roman |
4th Place
"Wethers hard at work"
Bucking Adoeable Fainters |
"I love traveling!"
Brittany Roman |
"Being cute is what this wether does best!"
Ahart Acres |
Class 7 Most Talented
1st Place - $$ winner "You put your right foot in and you do the hokey pokey,
that's what it's all about." Vanilla
Hanna's Upside Down Goats |
2nd Place - $$ winner
"Swiss Family Goatinson"
Spin River Meadows |
3rd Place - $$ winner
"Am I a goat or trick horse?"
Hanna's Upside Down Goats |
4th Place
"I'm Spider Monkey!"
MacKenzie Kurtz |
5th Place
"Why Isn't This Working?"
Syncope Falls Farm |
"Nope, Can't Catch Me!"
Spin River Meadows |
Clyde, Chloe & Clark
Brittany Roman |
"Just try me!"
Shakey Acres Peyton & Bells Goats Mr. Hopeful
Yama Goats |
"Could you bring me a glass of wine?"
Ahart Acres Rumor Has It
Ahart Acres |
"You know what they say, a glass a day?"
Ahart Acres Rumor Has It
Ahart Acres |
"Bunny...the leaping lizard"
Triple-T Ranch
Do not Judge. For display only. |
Class 8 Best Photo/Caption Combo
1st Place - $$ winner "98, 99, 100._. Oh, come on, You Guys Didn't Even Hide!"
Spin River Meadows |
2nd Place - $$ winner
"Mama Told Me There'd Be Days Like This"
Syncope Falls Farm |
3rd Place - $$ winner
"You dont have to be lonely, at farmers only.com"
Bucking Adoeable Fainters |
"I have a dream!"
Spin River Meadows |
"That's the last straw!"
Hanna's Upside Down Goats |
"You know sonny, when I was your age..."
Shakey Acres Peyton
Yama Goats |
"Watch it Dog!"
MacKenzie Kurtz |
"Something About Mary"
Ahart Acres |
"Dinner time!"
Chloe, Beau, Vader, Clyde, Clark, and Bola
Brittany Roman |
"This is my rifle. This is my gun. One is for killing. The others for fun"
Ahart Acres |
"Kiddy Daycare"
Triple-T Ranch
Do not judge. For display only.
Class 9 Best Costume
1st Place - $$ winner
"The Surgeon & Her Patient"
Kaitlyn & Stanley
Ancient Valley Ranch |
2nd Place
"Casper the friendly goat & Petey the surfer dude"
Shakey Acres Peyton & Bells Goats Mr. Hopeful
Yama Goats |
3rd Place
Poppy, Hanna, and Keifer
Hanna's Upside Down Goats |
"Winner of Dancing with the Stars"
Cody & Angel Eyes
Triple-T Ranch
Do not judge. For Display Only. |
"Soccer Champs"
Courtney & Bubba
Triple-T Ranch
Do not judge. For Display Only. |
Class 10 Cutest Photo - Fainting Goats Only
"It's just me!"
Hanna's Upside Down Goats |
"Being born is a lot of work!"
Spin River Meadows |
"Just like puppies"
Spin River Meadows |
"Mom! They won't let me play!"
MacKenzie Kurtz |
"Reverse Oreo of cuteness at Ahart Acres"
Ahart Acres |
Class 11 Cutest Photo - Fainting Goats with Others
1st Place - $$ winner
"You see! It's a kitty!"
MacKenzie Kurtz |
2nd Place - $$ winner
"Let's go for a walk"
Ancient Valley Ranch |
3rd Place - $$ winner
"Dustin bottle feeding"
Spin River Meadows |
4th Place
"You are perfect!"
Tizzy and Hanna
Hanna's Upside Down Goats |
"Just buzz off you guys!"
Spin River Meadows
"Hugges slooth the broken heart"
Blake & Huggie
Ancient Valley Ranch
My "Lap full of Love"
Shakey Acres Peyton & Bells Goats Mr. Hopeful
Yama Goats
Xena and Bola
Brittany Roman |
Class 12 Best Faint Photo
Class 13 Most Picturesque Photo
Class 14 Best Wildlife Photo
1st Place - $$ winner
"Hummingbird Wings"
Yama Goats |
2nd Place
"The Majestic Elk"
Ethan Flannigan |
3rd Place
"Memo To Self: Those Guard Dogs Mean Business!"
Syncope Falls Farm |
"Red-tailed Hawk"
Spin River Meadows |
"Deer in the non-headlights"
Brittany Roman |
"More than one kind of buck calls Ahart Acres home"
Ahart Acres |
Cash Awards Won
Syncope Falls $36 |
Bucking Adoeable Fainters $13 |
Spin River Meadows $30 |
Ancient Valley Ranch $7.50 |
Hanna's Upside Down Goats $25.50 - Donated back to the show - Thank you! |
Crosswinds Ranch $4.50 - Donated back to the show - Thank you! |
Ahart Acres $18 |
Billy Goat Bones Ranch $3.00 - Donated back to the show - Thank you! |
Yama Goats $16.50 |
Total $154 |
See the results from previous Photo Contests by clicking on the links below
Our fundraisers also include Virtual Show, Cute Photo Contest, custom pedigrees,
blank pedigrees, pedigree templates, and health records!
We cannot put on this show without our wonderful Sponsors (people like you).
If you would like to help us promote this incredible breed, please see our Sponsor Page to learn more.
All of our Sponsors receive advertising on this website and in the Show Program,
as well as a link to your website.
There are many types of Sponsorships to choose from and an extremely valuable Donation option.
Every penny counts!
100% of the fundraising and sponsorship money goes towards supporting the show!
Please explore this site to learn more about the shows!