Our 2024 Spring kids are here!
We also have Moonspotted bucks for sale along with Starter Herds!
Just ask us about them!
Take a at who we have for sale
Goats are herd animals and prefer not to be alone. In an effort to keep our kids from being lonely,
we offer a discount when you purchase more than one goat. Please scroll down to the bottom of the page for
general pricing and additional sale information.
We reserve the right of 1st choice to retain any of our kids for our own herd and
we also reserve the right to refuse to sell to anyone for any reason.
Kids with this seal |
are eligible to compete in the FGG Fainting Goat Futurity Shows. |
Visit www.faintinggoatguild.com to learn more about the Fainting Goat Futurity program. |

Kids by Huckleberry

Frassenei Farms I'm Your Huckleberry
Best in Show (2020)
Grand Champion Buck (2020)
Triple-T Sirius
Tri-colored Wether
Brown Eyes ~ Horned ~ DOB: 02/08/24 |
Sire: FF I'm Your Huckleberry - Best in Show Buck
Dam: Triple-T Wolf-rayet
For Sale - $200 |
Photo of left side coming soon |
Triple-T Centauri
Black and White Wether
Brown Eyes ~ Horned ~ DOB: 02/08/24 |
Sire: FF I'm Your Huckleberry - Best in Show Buck
Dam: Triple-T Wolf-rayet
For Sale - $200 |

Kids by Monte

Triple-T Lindy Hop
Tri-colored Doeling
Brown Eyes ~ Horned ~ DOB: 02/08/24 |
Sire: Ahart Acres Monte (MGR #D5988)
Dam: Goulet Ranch Jitterbug
For Sale - $350
Lindy and Mazy are a bonned pair - they must be purchased together |
Photo of left side coming soon |
CA Acres Viktor
Marbled Moonspotted Wether
Brown Eyes ~ polled ~ DOB: 01/31/24 |
Sire: Ahart Acres Monte (MGR #D5988)
Dam: Triple-T Beowulf's Maiden (MGR #C5596)
For Sale - $250 |
CA Acres Matrix
Moonspotted Black & White Wether
Brown Eyes ~ polled ~ DOB: 01/31/24 |
Sire: Ahart Acres Monte (MGR #D5988)
Dam: Triple-T Beowulf's Maiden (MGR #C5596)
For Sale - $250 |

Kids by TNT

Triple-T TNT

Triple-T Mazy
Red and White Doeling
Blue Eyes ~ Horned ~ DOB: 02/09/24 |
Sire: Triple-T TNT (MGR #C8314)
Dam: Goulet Ranch Hazy
For Sale - $350
Mazy and Lindy are a bonned pair - they must be purchased together |

Kids by Scorpius

Triple-T Name pending
Moonspotted Doeling
Brown Eyes ~ Polled ~ DOB: 06/27/24 |
Sire: Triple-T Scorpius (MGR #E8276)
Dam: Triple-T Halley's Comet (MGR #E0250)
For Sale - $400 |
Triple-T Name pending
Black Wether
Brown Eyes ~ Horned ~ DOB: 06/27/24 |
Sire: Triple-T Scorpius (MGR #E8276)
Dam: Triple-T Halley's Comet (MGR #E0250)
For Sale - $200 |

Kids by Archi
Goats 2B Kidding Archibeque
Owned by CA Acres
CA Acres CeraVa
Marbled Moonspotted Doeling
Blue Eyes ~ Horned ~ DOB: 01/31/24 |
Sire: Goats 2B Kidding Arhibeque (MGR #E0252)
Dam: Goats 2B Kidding Nyx
3/4 Myotonic ~ 1/4 Toggenburg
For Sale - $200 |
CA Acres Valentino
Black and White Wether
Blue Eyes ~ Horned ~ DOB: 01/31/24 |
Sire: FGoats 2B Kidding Arhibeque (MGR #E0252)
Dam: Goats 2B Kidding Nyx
3/4 Myotonic ~ 1/4 Toggenburg
For Sale - $175 |
CA Acres Ralph Lauren
Black and White Wether
Blue/Brown Marbled Eyes ~ Horned ~ DOB: 01/31/24 |
Sire: Goats 2B Kidding Arhibeque (MGR #E0252)
Dam: Goats 2B Kidding Nyx
3/4 Myotonic ~ 1/4 Toggenburg
For Sale - $175 |

Kids by Huckleberry

Frassenei Farms I'm Your Huckleberry
Best in Show (2020)
Grand Champion Buck (2020)
CA Acres Cap'n Crunch
Black/Brown Tri-colored Wether
Blue Eyes ~ Horned ~ DOB: 02/05/24 |
Sire: FF I'm Your Huckleberry - Best in Show Buck
Dam: AHA Whole Lotta Rosie (MGR #C2843)
CA Acres Cinnamon Toast Crunch
Tan Wether
Brown Eyes ~ Horned ~ DOB: 02/05/24 |
Sire: FF I'm Your Huckleberry - Best in Show Buck
Dam: AHA Whole Lotta Rosie (MGR #C2843)
CA Acres Trix
Red and White Wether
Marble Eyes ~ Horned ~ DOB: 02/05/24 |
Sire: FF I'm Your Huckleberry - Best in Show Buck
Dam: AHA Whole Lotta Rosie (MGR #C2843)
CA Acres Honey Nut Cheerios
Tan and White Wether
Blue Eyes ~ Horned ~ DOB: 02/05/24 |
Sire: FF I'm Your Huckleberry - Best in Show Buck
Dam: AHA Whole Lotta Rosie (MGR #C2843)
Retained by CA Acres |

Kids by Monte
CA Acres Diesel
Tri-colored Wether
Brown Eyes ~ polled ~ DOB: 01/31/24 |
Sire: Ahart Acres Monte (MGR #D5988)
Dam: Triple-T Beowulf's Maiden (MGR #C5596)

Kids by TNT

Triple-T TNT

Triple-T Aurora
Tan Doeling
Blue Eyes ~ Polled ~ DOB: 02/03/24 |
Sire: Triple-T TNT (MGR #C8314)
Dam: Goulet Ranch Minerva

Triple-T Mercury
Tri-colored Buckling
Blue Eyes ~ Horned ~ DOB: 02/03/24 |
Sire: Triple-T TNT (MGR #C8314)
Dam: Goulet Ranch Minerva
Retained by Triple-T Ranch |

Kids by Archi
Goats 2B Kidding Archibeque
Owned by CA Acres
Photo of left side coming soon |
CA Acres Helena
Light tri-colored Doeling
Brown Eyes ~ Horned ~ DOB: 02/01/24 |
Sire: Goats 2B Kidding Arhibeque (MGR #E0252)
Dam: Triple-T Libelle (MGR #E8280)
CA Acres Maybelline
Light tri-colored Doeling
Brown Eyes ~ Horned ~ DOB: 02/01/24 |
Sire: Goats 2B Kidding Arhibeque (MGR #E0252)
Dam: Triple-T Libelle (MGR #E8280)
CA Acres Essie
Tri-colored Doeling
Brown Eyes ~ Polled ~ DOB: 02/01/24 |
Sire: Goats 2B Kidding Arhibeque (MGR #E0252)
Dam: Triple-T Libelle (MGR #E8280)

Kids by Renegade

Rocking M Renegade
CA Acres Griffin
Black and White Buckling
Brown Eyes ~ Horned ~ DOB: 04/28/24 |
Sire: Rocking M Renegade (MGR #F8238)
Dam: Goulet Ranch Godiva (MGR #pending)
CA Acres Hydra
Tri-colored Buckling
Brown Eyes ~ Horned ~ DOB: 04/28/24 |
Sire: Rocking M Renegade (MGR #F8238)
Dam: Goulet Ranch Godiva (MGR #pending)
Triple-T Renegade's Outlaw
Brown and White Buckling
Brown Eyes ~ Horned ~ DOB: 04/30/24 |
Sire: Rocking M Renegade (MGR #F8238)
Dam: Goulet Ranch Almond Roca (MGR #pending)
Triple-T Renegade's Roca
Tri-colored Doeling
Brown Eyes ~ Horned ~ DOB: 04/30/24 |
Sire: Rocking M Renegade (MGR #F8238)
Dam: Goulet Ranch Almond Roca (MGR #pending)

Kids by Jr

Goulet Ranch Jr

Triple-T Grace's Legacy
Tri-colored Doeling
Blue Eyes ~ Horned ~ DOB: 05/05/24 |
Sire: Goulet Ranch Jr (MGR #pending)
Dam: FHR Winter Grace (MGR #B9724)-Best in Show Doe
Retained by Triple-T Ranch |

Triple-T Mercedes
Tri-colored Doeling
Blue Eyes ~ Horned ~ DOB: 05/05/24 |
Sire: Goulet Ranch Jr (MGR #pending)
Dam: FHR Winter Grace (MGR #B9724)-Best in Show Doe
Retained by CA Acres |

Kids by Scorpius

Triple-T Scorpius

Triple-T pending
Tri-colored pending
Eyes ~ Horned ~ DOB: 05/XX/24 |
Sire: Triple-T Scorpius (MGR #E8276)
Dam: Triple-T Halley's Comet (MGR #E0250)
Retained by CA Acres |

Please see our Breeding Schedule page to see who will be bred to who!

General Pricing:
100% Myotonic Goats
(pricing varies depending on quality, conformation, and traits)
Doelings/Does - $350-$800
Bucklings/Bucks - $350-$800
Wethers (castrated bucks) - $250 - $500
Goats are herd animals and prefer not to be alone. In an effort to keep our kids from being lonely,
we offer a discount when you purchase more than one goat.
An initial payment of 50% of the purchase price per goat is required upon commitment to purchase. Payment must be received within 7 days of verbal commitment. If purchasing an unweaned kid, Triple-T Ranch will retain the kid until weaned (between 8 – 10 weeks of age). The balance due must be paid 10 days prior to pick-up or 15 days prior to shipping if paying by check or money order. If paying at the time of pick-up, balance due must be paid in cash.
Once you make a commitment to purchase, the goat is no longer available to other buyers, and therefore, it is at this point that your deposit becomes nonrefundable (unless other arrangements have been made). Goats not picked up within 30 days of scheduled pick-up date (without having made prior arrangements) will revert back to being the property of Triple-T Ranch and any monies paid are retained to cover boarding fees and loss of marketability.
It is the goal of Triple-T Ranch to preserve the unique and wonderful Myotonic goat and we’re concerned for the well-being and humane treatment of the breed. Therefore, we reserve the right to withdraw from the sale of any animal at any time for any reason. In the event that Triple-T Ranch chooses to exercise this right, any funds paid to Triple-T Ranch in relation to this specific transaction will be refunded.
All kids will receive vaccinations, worming, and hoof trimming prior to going to their new homes.
We will gladly answer any questions that you may have.
Please Email us or submit a request via our Contact Us page.