Valley of the Sun Fainting Goat Show
Hosted by Triple-T Ranch

FundraiserPhoto Contest

2012 Photo Contest Show Ring

Welcome to the Valley of the Sun Fainting Goat Photo Contest!

We would like to thank all our contestants for their participation and for making this fundraiser such a great success! 

We raised $123 for the show and gave out $129 in awards to our particpants!

Please enjoy the wonderful photos! They will be displayed until the end of the year.

To learn more about the contest, please see the main Photo Contest page by clicking here.

This website is copyrighted. Therefore, no photoshopping or graphic creating is allowed.

This is a money award contest and show fundraiser. 50% of the photo entry fees will go to help support the Valley of the Sun Fainting Goat Shows (7 shows in 2 days).
The remaining 50% will be divided amongst the winners in each class as follows.

Number of Entries
per Class
1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place
10 or more
Less than 10

The Judge chose to pull out a very special photo and give it a special award -
the Judge's Favorite Photo award.

Judge's Favorite Photo

Moonlight Farms Selena
Solis Occasus Villa (NC)


Class 1 Cutest Doeling (Under 1 year old)

1st Place - $$ winner

SFF Shooting Star
Syncope Falls Farm (VA)

2nd Place

Flevo Hill Acres Becky
Flevohills Acres (Canada)

3rd Place

"Pretty Petti"
Bear Creeks Petticoat

Spennys Shenanigans (CA)
4th Place

"As cute as can be!"
Rio Grande Oopsy Daisy
Rio Grande Fainters (New Mexico)

"Sweet Sugar Pie"
Sol-Orr's Sugar Pie

Spennys Shenanigans (CA)

"Always look at that the camera, the paparazzi can make or break you."
SOV Emilia Lytrum
Solis Occasus Villa (NC)

Flevo Hill Acres Cupcake
Flevohills Acres (Canada)

Class 2 Most Captivating Doe (Over 1 year)
1st Place - $$ winner

Bassefield Junebug
Bassefield Fainters (Virginia)
2nd Place

Flevo Hill Acres Tillycum
Flevohills Acres (Canada)
3rd Place 

"You didn't...You did!!"

Harley's Barn (Idaho)

Class 3 Best Mom (Does with kids photos)

1st Place - $$ winner

Gossip and Bucklings
Flevohills Acres (Canada)
2nd Place

"Some kids never move out of mom's "house"!
Roxie and her girls

Tye Dye Acres (Wisconsin)
3rd Place

Bassefield Sadie & Sleet
Bassefield Fainters (Virginia)
4th Place

"Don't move, don't move, almost got it!"
Mirage and Malice

Tye Dye Acres (Wisconsin)

Bassefield Mercedes & Cyclone
Bassefield Fainters (Virginia)

"Hug Mommy! No! I Choose to sit on Mommy!"
Silky, Tuff, Peaches, and Spot

Harley's Barn (Idaho)

"Nom, nom, nom!"
Ozzie, Midnight, & Sally

Harley's Barn (Idaho)

*Glaring* Don't you dare come near my boys!

Harley's Barn (Idaho)


Class 4 Stud Muffin Buckling (Under 1 year old)

1st Place - $$ winner

Bassefield Dust Storm
Bassefield Fainters (Virginia)
2nd Place

SFF Here Comes Trouble
Syncope Falls Farm (VA)
3rd Place

Flevo Hill Acres Cooper
Flevohills Acres (Canada)
4th Place

"Can I have a kiss, please?"
Zazu (left, buckling) & Careamel

Harley's Barn (Idaho)

Bassefield Cyclone
Bassefield Fainters (Virginia)

"Aren't I sooo handsome??"

Tye Dye Acres (Wisconsin)

Class 5 Hottest Buck (Over 1 year old)

1st Place - $$ winner

"I'm too sexy for my spots"
Hillside Acres Dinger
Wolf River Ranch (TX)
2nd Place

Triple-T Nickolas
Rio Grande Fainters (New Mexico)

3rd Place

Bassefield Maximillian
Bassefield Fainters (Virginia)
4th Place

Bending Tree Ranch Picasso
Flevohills Acres (Canada)

"The Buck Brigade"
Representing three generations
Wolf River Ranch (TX)

Brassring King Leo
Flevohills Acres (Canada)

Bassefield Lil Tyke
Bassefield Fainters (Virginia)

"Something smells good, either that
or I got a big itch! "

Harley's Barn (Idaho)

"Got the blues!"

Tye Dye Acres (Wisconsin)


Class 6 Wethers at Their Best (Any age wether doing whatever they do best)

1st Place - $$ winner

"Charlie is soooo charming"
Bear Creeks Charming Charlie
Spennys Shenanigans (CA)
2nd Place

"Doing what wethers do best"
Rio Grande Fainters (New Mexico)
3rd Place

"Did you forget to bring me a treat again?"

Harley's Barn (Idaho)


Class 7 Most Talented

1st Place - $$ winner

Buck - God Rest his Soul - He was a great playmate
Pyradise Farm (Nebraska)
2nd Place

"Balancing Act"
SOV Emilia Lytrum & Ransom's Giselle
Solis Occasus Villa (NC)
3rd Place

"I believe I can Fly!"

Harley's Barn (Idaho)
4th Place

"Balance, Balance, Got it !"
Cindy Bear

Harley's Barn (Idaho)

"Leaping Lizards! Err, goat!"
Buckling in mid-leap

Tye Dye Acres (Wisconsin)

"I'm too good!"

Tye Dye Acres (Wisconsin)

"I'm blending in like a chameleon"
Doeling balancing on tree branch

Tye Dye Acres (Wisconsin)

"Starting the lawn mower"
Triple-T Nick
Rio Grande Fainters (New Mexico)

"Bunny...the leaping lizard"
Triple-T Bunny
Triple-T Ranch (CA) - won't be judged

Class 8 Best Photo/Caption Combo

1st Place - $$ winner
"Every Rockstar needs his Groupies"
Our Little Acres (Minnasota)
2nd Place - $$ winner

"Does this spot make my butt look big?"
SMR Jade
Ancient Valley Ranch (CA)
3rd Place - $$ winner
"I'm Pushing, I'm Pushing...Push her off, push her off!!"
Bon Bon, Whispa, Fancy

Harley's Barn (Idaho)
4th Place

"Ohhh, so THAT's a deer!"
Triple-T Nick
Rio Grande Fainters (New Mexico)

"Kiddy Daycare"
Triple-T Bunny & Kids
Triple-T Ranch (CA) - won't be judged

"Check out my new dance!"
Moonlight Farms Blackjack & others
Bassefield Fainters (Virginia)

"Dixie Snow Delight"
SFF Dixie Land Delight
Syncope Falls Farm (Virginia)

"Construction Zone - Emergency Stopping Only"
Our Little Acres (Minnasota)

"OMG, please tell me you did not take my picture!"
Painted Quarters Ariyelle
Solis Occasus Villa (NC)

"Flossing is so difficult!"
Solis Occasus Villa Caesiu Phantasma
Solis Occasus Villa (NC)

"This fur tastes really good, I think I'll keep eating."

Harley's Barn (Idaho)

"Any leftovers in here?"
Triple-T Anakin
Rio Grande Fainters (New Mexico)

"Hipity, Hopity, like a bunny rabbit!"
Kneecaps, Sally, Snow

Harley's Barn (Idaho)

Class 9 Best Costume

1st Place - $$ winner

"The Goth look for Halloween just comes natural for me."
Moonlight Farms Luna
Solis Occasus Villa (NC)
2nd Place
"The Princess & her steed"
Eliana & Chaco

Ancient Valley Ranch (CA)

"Winner of Dancing with the Stars"
Cody & Angel Eyes
Triple-T Ranch (CA) - won't be judged

"Soccer Champs"
Courtney & Bubba
Triple-T Ranch (CA) - won't be judged

Class 10 Cutest Photo - Fainting Goats Only

1st Place - $$ winner

"Hey, does she have that darn camera again??"
Tye Dye Acres Kids

Tye Dye Acres (Wisconsin)
2nd Place

"Snuggle Time"
Wolf River Babies
Wolf River Ranch (TX)
3rd Place

"I'd like an order of grain with an apple to go plz!"

Tye Dye Acres (Wisconsin)
4th Place

"My plan is to be a contortionist when I grow up."
Solis Occasus Villa Socolatae Cafea
Solis Occasus Villa (NC)

"Mommy? MOMMY!!! "
Foxy Runt

Harley's Barn (Idaho)

"I think you need a hug "
Sally and Kneecaps

Harley's Barn (Idaho)

"Lets go sit and gossip until
we're bored."
Peakcock & Petunia

Harley's Barn (Idaho)

"Snoozing Sisters"
Velvet's Girls

Tye Dye Acres (Wisconsin)

"Babies in a Bucket"
Triple-T Bunny and Panda

Triple-T Ranch (CA) - will not be judged

Class 11 Cutest Photo - Fainting Goats with Others

1st Place - $$ winner

"This is taking forrr....everrr!"
Wolf River Ranch (TX)
2nd Place

"Hello big, strong and furry-some!"
Kid and Llama

Tye Dye Acres (Wisconsin)
3rd Place

"So, THAT'S how you get them to sleep at night!"
Kaitlyn & Tia

Ancient Valley Ranch (CA)
4th Place

"What are you hiding up there?"
Painted Quarters Ariyelle & Dahlai Llama Enlightened Buddha

Solis Occasus Villa (NC)

"Imma sqeeeeze in here, that okay
with you?"

Harley's Barn (Idaho)

One of these things is not like the other!
Buckings and Kitty

Tye Dye Acres (Wisconsin)

"Peek a boo!"
Doe Kid and Peoples

Tye Dye Acres (Wisconsin)

Class 12 Best Faint Photo

1st Place - $$ winner

"Scared Stiff....Literally!!"
Moonlight Farms Selena
Solis Occasus Villa (NC)
2nd Place

"Snow drift faint!"

Tye Dye Acres (Wisconsin)
3rd Place

"Stiff as a Board!"
Moonlight Farms Diana
Solis Occasus Villa (NC)
4th Place

"Help! I need Help! Oh wait, I'm Okay!"

Harley's Barn (Idaho)

Triple-T Rodeo Panda

Triple-T Ranch (CA) - won't be judged

Class 13 Most Picturesque Photo

1st Place - $$ winner

"Daisy Diva Doelings"
Syncope Falls Farm (VA)
2nd Place

"Our Home"
Flevohills Acres (Canada)
3rd Place

Bassefield Dee Dee
Bassefield Fainters (Virginia)
4th Place

"Lunch Break"
Wolf River Ranch (TX)

"Blue Skies"
Tye Dye Acres (Wisconsin)

"Rambling Does"
Tye Dye Acres (Wisconsin)

"Is the grass greener over here?"
Tye Dye Acres (Wisconsin)

See the results from previous Photo Contests by clicking on the links below

2011 Photo Contest

2010 Photo Contest

2009 Photo Contest



Our fundraisers also include 2012 calendars, custom pedigrees,
blank pedigrees, pedigree templates, and health records!

We cannot put on this show without our wonderful Sponsors (people like you). 
If you would like to help us promote this incredible breed, please see our Sponsor Page to learn more. 
All of our Sponsors receive advertising on this website and in the Show Program,
as well as a link to your website. 
There are many types of Sponsorships to choose from and an extremely valuable Donation option. 
Every penny counts!

100% of the fundraising and sponsorship money goes towards supporting the show!




Please explore this site to learn more about the shows!

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